The ailing President of High Court Bar Association of occupied Kashmir, Mian Abdul Qayoom has been shifted to Tihar jail, New Delhi, his family members said.
Instead of shifting Mian Qayoom, who is suffering from life threatening ailments, the authorities sent him to the notorious Indian jail.
The High Court Bar Association at an emergency meeting in Srinagar expressed serious concern over the inhuman treatment to its president. It said the health condition of Mian Qayoom is deteriorating with each passing day. It urged the authorities to revoke the illegal and unconstitutional his detention order immediately.
It is worth mentioning here that Mian Qayoom suffered heart attack at Aagra jail, recently.
“Kashmir detainees in Tihar Jail are being targeted psychologically by either confining to small cells or large wards along with the criminals. Tihar jail is proving Guantanamo Bay for Kashmiri prisoners,” the DFP spokesman said in a statement.